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from other galaxies are welcome


Posted on 10/16/19

Cómo digitalizar tu pyme

Mucho hemos leído y escuchado de la digitalización de las pymes en España. Sin embargo, de acuerdo a la Cámara de Comercio de España, las pequeñas y medianas empresas españolas están lejos de las cifras europeas


We love this job: another great web application launched!

Posted on 7/19/17

The client intention was clear: to improve his grants and subsidies search engine. It didn't give the results expected. The content architecture wasn’t clear and the usability quite chaotic. SEO wasn’t giving results either. As many other startups, the idea


Surprisingly Best Programming Talent In The World

Posted on 6/7/17

When trying to name the best place in the world to find the top programmer talent, you would probably mention California, but surprisingly, that is far from the top. Some enthralling data shows where the top talent is found. You’ll


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