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from other galaxies are welcome

Comparing Yii, Symfony 2 and Laravel frameworks.

Posted on 5/9/17

First of all we must start acknowledging the importance of PHP, which is the most popular programming languages around the world. For instance, Facebook and Wordpress are based on it.

So let’s compare main features of the most popular PHP


How to pick the best font for a website

Posted on 5/2/17

Picking up the correct font for your website, application or any piece you are dealing with, is not a simple thing to do. And once you've picked fonts, how to make them work in harmony, is another dilemma.

First approach


Never break a break

Posted on 2/28/17

We believe every cultural environment works as an operating system. And one of it's features stands after the following concept: that you have to BREAK YOUR BACK in order to achieve high goals in life (and stuff like that).



The day you start dying

Posted on 1/16/17

Not so long ago a friend of mine taught me a way to peel an orange. I was amazed. How can something so simple have so many approaches?

My 4 year old daughter is showing me through a beautiful book


When the white space became a beast

Posted on 1/4/17

The legend of the white space

Every now and then, on the World Wide Web, someone meets the “white space” or for us: "the beast".

When we meet the beast, it drives us crazy, we


Spirituality vs. Job

Posted on 12/26/16

For a long time i’ve been seeking spiritual strength. As a young seeker I tended to settle in a distorted idea of how spiritual life should be. The image of someone spiritual was fed from cliche archetypes: long bearded, naked


Self preservation comes first!

Posted on 12/16/16

If a company wants to ensure it’s future needs to settle the customers satisfaction as a priority. But that doesn’t necessarily means always putting the customer first.

Let us introduce you to DOS, Deficit of Self-Preservation.

The client's needs and


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